Spacemaid, these are a band from Hull, England. Who are chuffing brilliant, there debut album, Supercool has never charted as far as I am aware but hopefully we will have some new material coming soon. Sorry for the non updatingness of this wonderful web page, but exams have to take preference over somethings. One of the band e-mailed me many moons ago. They have split up I am sorry to say, but do still keep in touch. Unfortuantely due to a virus I lost all the e-mail, I had all intentions of publising them here :( One of the band is now working in a software house. I'm sorry but it was so long ago I forget wo it was. Anyway now I'm at Uni, hopefully I will be updating this page more. I just need to learn how to use Dreamweaver... Why can't everywhere use Frontpage, the world would be so easy then.
"A Cracking Band From Hull, These Are Spacemaid..."
Mark Radcliffe, BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show, 1997
Last Updated 12th August 2022.